5975 Sunset View Drive
Traverse City, MI 49684
Phone: 231-941-7786
Email: info@advancedinsulationtc.com

Insulated & Sealed Attic Access Panels / Hatches

Insulated & Sealed Attic Access Panels / Hatches

We offer two different types of attic access panels for ceiling OR sidewalls. They have tight fitting factory installed seals, and adhered insulation on the drop-in pabels that cannot be misplaced.

  • Skuttle Tight: Perimeter edges are finished during the drywall process. The revel line is less that ¼” and can barely be seen.
  • Sealin’ Hatch: Perimeter edges have white painted colonial trim already factory installed. This can be custom-sized if needed and can be used in new construction or for an existing home or building.
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